Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The journey begins...

For the last year and a half we have been preparing for this beginning.  Slowly but surely emptying and letting go.  Toward the end, the slow and sure became fevered and stressed as we attended to the details of getting our house ready for a new family and our new home ready for us.  And now the end has been reached and the journey begins.  

We are now living in our 35 foot Bighorn 5th wheel and taking a breath before we set sail to a life of big adventures.  Our first adventure is not too far from the familiar....we are at Riverside State Park. We'll stay here for a few days to wait for our ballots so we can vote and leave Spokane in capable hands while we travel the country.  

Riverside is not too shabby a place to stay.  This time of year it's beautiful and peaceful...the call of geese flying south, the smell of wood smoke in the air, the brilliant golds and russets of life letting go, the quiet and stillness.  It feels so good to breathe and relax.



Our horse and carriage


  1. Oh My Gosh! What a fun, votive undertaking. So good to hear from you and look forward to your updates.

  2. WhooHoo!! Wish we could join you! I look forward to following your travels.

  3. Wishing you steady wind behind your sails, calm water under your bow and however that translates to a horse and buggy. Happy trails!

  4. It was fun to meet you, Jan, at our incredible Riverside State Park. I'm a month ahead of you in full-timing, but you're ahead of me getting your blog started. Congratulations!
    For a horse and buggy, I suspect equivalent well wishes could be, "May your ruts be few and may you stay upwind of your horse." :-)

    -Ellen Watkins ( <-- coming soon!

    1. Nice to meet you too Ellen! We are now at MaryHill State Park. No connection here. We're checking mail at McDonalds across the river.

  5. finally!! you're on your way. safe journey, you two. i'm looking forward to sharing your adventures.

  6. Hi Jan,
    I wrote you a reply last week but I don't see it here! Oh, well. Wanted to let you know that you and Tom are doing something that Bob and I are in the talking stages about. We looked at RVs a few weeks ago. So we are very interested in following along with your posts as you tour the country. When you make it out to the East Coast be sure to contact me!
